yellowblue Replies to Reuters Energy Efficient Green Buildings Research

PLEASANT HILL, IA – (September 27, 2017) – yellowblue™ Eco Tech has a pretty profound response to a recent report by Reuters Health.

In a Sept. 19 article entitled “Energy-efficient green buildings may emit hazardous chemicals,” Reuters reports the same newly renovated low-income homes in Boston that earned awards for being green failed indoor air quality tests.

“Researchers found potentially carcinogenic levels of toxic chemicals in the remodeled homes before and after residents moved in,” the article reports. “All of the 30 eco-friendly homes in the study had risky indoor air concentrations for at least one chemical.”

In some homes, as many as 100 chemicals with known or suspected health concerns were present, the article reports.

The brutally honest and simultaneously sincere response from yellowblue™ on the matter? We told you so.

That’s why the manufacturer and wholesaler with a network of independent authorized dealers, who sell energy-saving and healthy home products directly to consumers, partnered with RENUAIRE more than a year ago.

Announced in August of 2016, the partnership made yellowblue™ the exclusive residential distributor of RENUAIRE.

“After careful evaluation of the air purification market, we at yellowblue™ felt that expanding into environmental probiotics was the perfect next move for our company,” said Craig Schwienebart, President of yellowblue™ Eco Tech. “A year later, we couldn’t be happier with our decision.”

The BA-1000 integrates with yellowblue’s™ existing line of solutions, seeking to positively impact all areas of the home. It’s efficient, easy to install, and addresses so many issues some people don’t even know they have with indoor air quality.

”As far as we see it, RENUAIRE is a fantastic solution regardless of the situation,” Schwienebart continued. “From low-income housing to high-end properties and commercial facilities, we feel everyone should have access to better, cleaner, healthier air.”

The RENUAIRE system puts science to work, intermittently releasing environmental probiotics into enclosed living and workspaces to consume organic irritants like pollen, dust mite waste, and pet dander.

“At Yellowblue, we know the importance of protecting the benefits of energy-efficient upgrades along with indoor air quality improvements to provide a whole healthy home solution,” Schweinbart said.

“It would be crazy to try and tell people to simply stop making green building upgrades. That’s why we continue to work toward blending our line of energy-saving products with healthy indoor air quality solutions.”

For more information about RENUAIRE by yellowblue™, visit


yellowblue™ Eco Tech is a manufacturer and wholesaler with a network of independent authorized dealers who sell energy saving products directly to consumers. yellowblue™ focuses on working in the residential and small business markets to help reduce energy costs, improve overall comfort, and reduce carbon footprint. yellowblue™ products include multi-layer reflective insulation, solar ventilation systems, and probiotic air purifiers.