Air Sealing

How To Seal Air Leaks In Your Home


One of the most effective ways to cut heating and cooling costs in your home is to seal air leaks in your home.

Due to the smallest cracks and crevices, your air conditioner or heater may be costing you more than it needs to be. Once you’ve determined the problem areas, you can take positive action.

Here are some ways you can seal air leaks in your home and give your bank account a little extra breathing room.


This solution is best used for portions of the home that are small and not attached to moving parts. If the leak is coming through a crack or joint of 1-quarter-inch or less, caulking might be the right solution to seal air leaks in your home.

Caulking does more than lower your energy costs. When done properly, it can prevent water and moisture damage, prevent insect infiltration, and general protection from nature’s elements.

The substance can be purchased at most local hardware stores or chains, such as Home Depot or Lowe’s. The most common types of caulk are either latex, silicone, or a hybrid of the two. In general, latex is easier to apply and clean up, while silicone is more resistant to extreme conditions. Before making a purchase, talk to a professional at whatever outlet you’re buying from to discuss what would work best for your home’s specific needs.

If you’re looking to apply the caulk yourself, be sure to do research on best practices. Make sure you clean the area of the leak before you start. In general, you want to have as steady a hand as possible during the application. Try not to stop and start, hold the gun at a constant angle, and be careful not to have a heavy trigger finger.


To seal air leaks in your home, this solution is good for dealing with air leaks around movable components, such as doorways and windows. Because of this, it’s important to note that weatherstrips are not one-size-fits-all. The right strip for your window might not be best for the doorway that drags across your carpets.

To accommodate your home’s various needs, weatherstrips are made using a diverse array of materials. The U.S. Department of Energy has outlined a useful chart to determine which material is best suited for your air leak needs.

The same businesses who sell caulk will likely sell weatherstrips as well. Because weatherstrips are mostly used with doors and windows, the surface area of the leak is generally larger than the kind that could be solved with caulk. This means you’ll be leaving the store with a bit more to carry.

Before making a purchase, discuss with a professional which strips they sell are best for which parts of the home. They will likely be able to give you an assortment of options for each leak you’re looking to fix.

As with caulking, make sure you apply the strip to a clean and dry surface. If you didn’t go into the hardware store with measurements in mind, definitely pull out the tape measure and make sure you have enough material to cover the length the leaking area.


Sometimes, to seal air leaks in your home, you need to take bigger steps than simply caulking a crack or weatherstripping a door frame.
Insulation is as much a preventative measure as it is a reactionary one. The material works to slow down heat flow throughout your house, causing the cracks and leaks to do less damage than they would with poor insulation. Good insulation keeps the heat inside and the home comfort level at a maximum during warm and cold seasons.

Insulation is a valuable asset to most components of a home. Well-insulated walls, attics, garages, basements, and even crawl spaces can make a big difference to your energy savings down the road.

The right kind of insulation depends on each specific home. However, for homeowners looking to make especially big savings while positively affecting the environment, multi-layer reflective insulation is a safe bet.

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Start saving more on your energy bills today by contacting yellowblue™ today. We’ll help you cut costs and benefit the world around you all at once.